We all have a right to self-realization and fulfillment, whether in our relationships and/or occupation.
As children we were all artists, expressing joy and sorrow in drawings, dances, drama, musical improvisations. Then for a lot of us, these natural forms of self-expression were either put aside or suppressed all together. With playful techniques, with references to sciences, literature, mechanics, we will tap into your creative energy and imagination. Each session will be unique and recorded via your creation, and the cognitive and emotional associations which came up. Sometimes, i make art with you too, always attentive to provide you the best support for your expression and reflexion.

Possible themes or issues we can work on together: relationships, body image, identity, transitions, anxiety, perfectionism, loneliness, life purpose (“ikigai”)..
If you are curious about the philosophy of art therapy, read:
Principles and Practice of Expressive Arts Therapy on Scribd